So I just ordered my Aeroforce Intercepter from ZZP which I thought was "Plug n Play" I just want some input regarding the installation of the gauge. I plan on doing it via the vent method as I do not want to mount a new pod. I have read mixed feelings about it requiring a 12v PS by tapping into a 12v power source that is energized when the ignition is on. 1. what would/should I tap into without problem arising if its even needed. (keep in mind I am an amateur and have never installed gauges) 2. does it require this to be done? I thought our OBDII's had a power pin. 3. what is the benefit of doing so regardless if it requires or not? I have also read about it causing excess battery drain if not connected to a 12v ps ? all input is appreciated


A little background :

Grand Prix GT S/C

references :

the two installs I have read several times - one mentions the 12v tap and the other doesn't