Thread: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time

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  1. #41 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    Update. There was nothing wrong with plug 3 and it never registered on OBD again after that.
    Now it's running like complete **** on idle or otherwise, big rumbling noise and shaking hard with strong smell of gas at all times. I wanted to do compression test but once again a bank error against my favor and I need 3 tires. The running quality has severely degraded over the past month.
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  2. #42 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    A pic and video uploaded today. Gas smell coming from the driver side somewhere but can't tell where. Equally strong smell from front to back of cross pipe and toward center of engine but not beyond.
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  3. #43 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    only vid i saw was the one where its squealing the whole time. take the oil fill cap off while its running if it stops doing that the pcv is clogged up or blocked.

    a raw gas smell can only be a leak, so you got a line rusted through or worn through if its a nylon line.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  4. #44 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    GrandPrix Junkie
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    If the GTP is the same routing as the GT then check the steel fuel lines as they route up against the drivers side firewall. There is insulation there and the lines are clipped in right against it which leads to rust. Also brake lines in that area. I've replaced 2 brake lines due to this design.

    I'd carry a fire extinguisher in the car at this point. That sounds like a fire just waiting to happen.
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  5. #45 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    Alright fellas, time for an update. Sorry I was real busy with some other **** for the most part but did do a lot of work on it.
    1. Scotty it was squealing because the water pump gasket was broken and I was losing water.
    2. Fordman the fuel lines are still good, I checked them again.
    3. After a 3 day water pump ordeal in which the bottom left bolt suddenly didn't reach, I added 2 washers and it finally sealed.
    4. The alternator red line stud/ bolt broke during the ordeal so I had to get a junkyard alternator which works better.
    5. At night while wrapping up that ordeal, I noticed a spark coming off line 3 to the front header, only visible in dark.
    6. While moving the wire it snapped, so I replaced it and it's fine now. I thought and hoped that would fix everything. No.
    7. After all that **** it was still misfiring, I did a compression test. Everything was fine.
    8. Broke the Tbar to vacuum harness during ordeal, redid that **** end to end. Not perfect and will need redone again.
    9. That didn't fix it either, but misfire seems to happen almost entirely on boost call, acts exactly like a boost vacuum leak.
    10. We're basically exactly back where I started, misfire under load, gets worse with engine heat.
    11. Bonus: included new picture of Tbar workaround and video from interior of what it sounds like. Link below.
    12. Double bonus: Now offering $20 to the first person that can accurately tell me what the problem is. Thanks.
    Microsoft services
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  6. #46 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Turbo is the way to go. BillBoost37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wakingcrow View Post
    5. At night while wrapping up that ordeal, I noticed a spark coming off line 3 to the front header, only visible in dark.
    When you get a chance get any spray bottle or a hose and mist the engine while running at night in a dark area. If you have any wires or coils etc that are arcing, you'll see it easily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wakingcrow View Post
    9. That didn't fix it either, but misfire seems to happen almost entirely on boost call, acts exactly like a boost vacuum leak.
    What is a boost vacuum leak? If you are in boost, you would be pushing air out not pulling a vacuum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wakingcrow View Post
    12. Double bonus: Now offering $20 to the first person that can accurately tell me what the problem is. Thanks.
    Keep yer $20, here's the solution. The problem is between the seat and steering wheel. You are welcome. (ps..that time I insulted you, unlike the last time I posted to help you out and you went all libby on me)
    I consider that when reading my posts.

    2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
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  8. #47 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    GTP Level Member wowitsfast's Avatar
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    Keep yer $20, here's the solution. The problem is between the seat and steering wheel. You are welcome. (ps..that time I insulted you, unlike the last time I posted to help you out and you went all libby on me)[/QUOTE]

    It's ok to feel bad. I got the same burn from Bill when I 1st got my car. He was right though. Him and Scotty gave me all the right info to figure out my several issues. It was up to me to apply it correctly.

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    Just a bunch of junk thrown together
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  10. #48 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    I guarantee I'm not the problem. I'm not an X man or avenger and have no supernatural ability to make the car misfire. I've tried everything on this forum and others. The fact that you can't help me is simply am insult to your ego since you think you know everything. Otherwise you'd be collecting an easy 20 just for writing a few helpful sentences. Instead you choose to write insulting sentences to pacify your fragile ego.
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  11. #49 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Donating Users bandook's Avatar
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    Bad injector o-ring, probably lower one in head. PM me for the paypal to send $20.
    Top Swapped 01 Imp
    VS (very small?) cam, SD Headers, 2.8" pulley, 29°, ported everything, E85, AEM water/meth, Deka 60's, HPT tuned
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  12. #50 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wakingcrow View Post
    Having a hard time with this one. Cold, runs fine for a few minutes, plenty of power. Warm, misfires while accelerating at any speed. Hot, misfires increasingly. After a few hours it's running on one or two pistons. Runs fine after cool off.
    Recently, I replaced vacuum hoses and fuel filter. Swapped the 2 map sensors to see if it did anything different. Didn't.
    Code says 300 random engine misfire. Autozone printout said ASE technicians would recommend reprogram PCM. I don't have a tuner. Does anyone know what would be most likely or what to test first?
    Check the wiring under the throttle body. Common issue.
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  13. #51 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention, when I work the gears manually and accelerate using lower gears, I can usually avoid any misfires, up to a certain point when boost engages then it misfires as seen in the video. Anyone with knowledge knows that sparks and spark wires don't care if it's under load or not. It's only misfiring under load/boost. Ironic that someone that calls himself Bill Boost has no idea what the problem is that only occurs under boost engagement, isn't it. That's the way it is with people with fragile egos.
    I've pulled the throttle out a couple times and didn't see anything irregular around it, but I'll check that wiring once it gets above 40.
    Bandook which injector O-ring is it? There's 6 injectors. If you're right I'll send you 20 clams.
    Thanks all, except Bill.
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  14. #52 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    GT Level Member mguzzo's Avatar
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    I'm still going back to my post in September for a clogged cat.
    "Silver Bullet" 98 GTP Coupe: Stock, rust free, and broadsided.
    Old '98 GTP Coupe: VS Cam, 3.0, S2IC, 42.5#, TOGs, N*/LQ4, Corsa. it once ran a 13 flat
    Older '98 GTP Sedan: Pullied, rockered, SSIC, etc. Stock 14.33 @ 96.5 / PB: 13.89 @ 101
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  15. #53 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mguzzo View Post
    I'm still going back to my post in September for a clogged cat.
    I will return to my response that there is no cat present so that's impossible. Straight pipe down only. Which is not likely the problem because it worked fine in that configuration for 5 years before all this ****.
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  16. #54 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Donating Users bandook's Avatar
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    Which o-ring? That's for you to figure out, ding dong. When you bought your premium membership here what did you expect from the members?

    BTW, bashing a dude that has more knowledge of these cars than you or I will obtain in two lifetimes is a real good way to get zero help in the future. Smooth move, ding dong.
    Top Swapped 01 Imp
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  17. #55 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bandook View Post
    Which o-ring? That's for you to figure out, ding dong. When you bought your premium membership here what did you expect from the members?

    BTW, bashing a dude that has more knowledge of these cars than you or I will obtain in two lifetimes is a real good way to get zero help in the future. Smooth move, ding dong.
    exactly why ive failed to chime in. fuk em. part it out, sell it, set it on fire. i dont care.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  19. #56 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Turbo is the way to go. BillBoost37's Avatar
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    Sadly I have no ego problem as I know I have a small dick, I'm bald, fairly ugly and have an unnatural affinity for a dead platform of car. Often I tell my significant other it's the best 4 seconds of her life.

    I do likely know what your problem is, however when I tried making suggestions, knowing that you didn't have a ton of money to throw at the problem, you somehow took offense to it and went off. Tried to explain that I meant only to help you, you continued to be pissy. A man w/o an ego problem can admit being wrong, and I've swallowed that pill many times, even times when I was later proven to be correct. I'm a firm believer in helping others as I wish folks had helped me when I was learning. I also learned a lot from breaking stuff and doing it the wrong way, that way I can help others not make that same mistake.

    While many have great suggestions that you often don't attempt to try (even when free), I'd give it about a 95% give than your car suffers from a chippy chip chip. Can't tell for sure though because of what you have or haven't tested for. FWIW diagnosing from a description of symptoms over the internet isn't easy. Most mechanics will tell you they need to see the car/test it themselves to gather enough information in order to diagnose.

    I've given you plenty of things it might be and what it likely is a couple times now. Not doing anything or answering questions is why your problem remains between the steering wheel and seat. A car can be diagnosed and fixed, most people can't change and accept that they might need to humble themselves.
    I consider that when reading my posts.

    2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
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  21. #57 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    I should also add that idiots like you that don't hide behind their ****ing keyboard, but insult me in person, get punched in the nuts, kicked in the face, and end up in the hospital, you stupid ****. Keep it up ding dong.

    Quote Originally Posted by bandook View Post
    Which o-ring? That's for you to figure out, ding dong. When you bought your premium membership here what did you expect from the members?

    BTW, bashing a dude that has more knowledge of these cars than you or I will obtain in two lifetimes is a real good way to get zero help in the future. Smooth move, ding dong.
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  23. #58 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    SE Level Member Wakingcrow's Avatar
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    Bill, unfortunately, you're a complete asshole. If any of you had been able to tell me what the ****ing problem was, it would be fixed by now. Because I can do all the work necessary, and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that it's not a compression problem. So the problem is something easy and very fixable but I'm not a master diagnostic, and very obviously you are not either Bill. You are a master insulter because of your ego problems. So basically you can all just **** off instead of insulting me, because obviously you haven't helped at all.
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  25. #59 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    damn your a gem. try asking for help elsewhere. i figure you'll be banned by tomorrow. hope you enjoyed your stay.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  26. #60 Re: Misfire under load, increase with engine warmth and run time 
    Donating Users bandook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wakingcrow View Post
    I should also add that idiots like you that don't hide behind their ****ing keyboard, but insult me in person, get punched in the nuts, kicked in the face, and end up in the hospital, you stupid ****. Keep it up ding dong.
    HEADLINE~~. Florida Man Murders A Man For Calling Him A Ding Dong
    "He made me really mad. I don't even like Ding Dongs"
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    Top Swapped 01 Imp
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