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So today on my way home from work my engine light came on I got 4 codes, p0300, p0306, p1672, and finally p1811 which I know is the transmission which I will be putting in a trans go shift kit along with some unthreaded spacers to make the shift a little harder. But I’m trying to think of what the others are, I’ll be changing plugs tomorrow as I’m hoping that’s all it is but doubtful as I only have 1500 miles on the ones in it.
Sorry.. I'm too lazy to look up your 1672 code..
start with looking over #6 and see if you have a wire, coil or plug issue.
I drink..so consider that when reading my posts.
2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
GT Level Member
P1672 Low Engine Oil Level Lamp Control Circuit.
could be a problem with a wire in the circuit.
SE Level Member
I fixed the 1811 code today doing the shift kit, tomorrow will be doing plugs hopefully that will fix the issue with #6 and the p1672 could that just be a fuse or definitely a wire?
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Believe I found out why I was getting misfires, I had a104 spark plugs in a stock engine and they were pretty black
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P0306 came back today along with p0300, was hoping it was a stuck injector so I did some seafoam, but not looking like fixed anything. It has low power and anything more the half throttle you get stuttering from the engine.
Turbo is the way to go.
Flip/flop one of the coil packs around. Move it 1 position and see if the misfire follows.
Just remember your wire routing as stock coils are normally labeled but you will putting the "number" out of order if you know what I'm saying.
If the misfire moves from cylinder 6 to cylinder 5 or whatever, then you likely found the issue with the coil pack. Next step past that could be the ignition control module under the coil packs if the misfire stays on cylinder 6.
Or the worst case is that you lost compression on cylinder 6 from a piston ring problem, valve train issue.

SMGPFC Member #1
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Tried that and found no spark from #6, #2, and #1 and they stayed when I swapped them, im thinking it’s ignition control module now. I didn’t even think about that before I tried this
SE Level Member
Switched the ignition control module out and still no spark from the same cylinders. Could it be the coils even though only one coil from each is out?
Something is odd there.. move the wires from the ones not firing to the ones that are firing on the same coils. Reason for doing this is both posts fire at the same time on coils. If you still don't have those cylinders firing, there must be something like having the plug wires going to the wrong plugs.
I drink..so consider that when reading my posts.
2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
SE Level Member
Did that, and when I switched they started firing but the wires I moved to the post that weren’t firing stopped. I got new coils coming in on Friday just in case it’s those but I don’t think it is
It's odd for sure. Both posts fire because that's how they are setup.
I drink..so consider that when reading my posts.
2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
SE Level Member
Should I return the ICM and try a new one?
SE Level Member
Just had the icm tested at autozone, and my original one is still good, taking back the new one now
SE Level Member
Just got back from the junkyard, cut out a harness from a 07 GTP and 02 N/A. Wondering if the 07 wires would work on my 98, and if not will the 02 non supercharged work on my supercharged?
You cut a harness ... can you please tell us.. which harness you cut from JY cars. The whole wiring harness, just a piece.. tough to answer your questions with the info you provided.
I drink..so consider that when reading my posts.
2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
SE Level Member
Just the piece that goes to the ignition control module, i cut it at the split at the 3 way
The three way junction of IDK what you are talking about?
Crank/Cam/ICM harness disconnects right by the #1 injector, unbolts at the ICM and clips onto the crank and cam sensors. Why someone would cut it is beyond my ability to comprehend. Also not sure what you are trying to do with a cut harness.
I drink..so consider that when reading my posts.
2010 Audi A6 Dual IC's
SE Level Member
All of the ones at the JY were cut so I just took what they had, I didn’t pay for them so no harm done with that one
SE Level Member
So I changed coils and everything has the correct voltage now and changed wires and plugs and it still has a misfire. I’m trying to figure out what it is, guy at the auto store was saying it could be a piston ring