
*my first post on the forum, I apologize in advance for any mistakes...

-2000 Grand Prix GT / 3.8L V6
-I would get smoke every now and then in the summer from my engine (hard to tell exactly where it was coming from but I assume the exhaust manifold) about 6 months ago. I discovered oil pooling in the divots between the valve covers and intake manifold on both the front and rear of the top of the engine so I replaced both valve cover gaskets. I also dried up all the oil and after checking periodically it seemed to have fixed the problem. It is winter now so I haven't noticed the smoke again but I did just notice that these divots are again full of oil. When I say full, I mean roughly .5-1oz of oil per divot.

Any ideas what my next step should be? Removing the valve covers isn't terrible, but it isn't something I want to do again if there could be another reason why this is happening. Any advice is much appreciated.