Last year I was having issues with my high beams staying on all the time...I mean they wouldn't shut off unless I held in the turning stalk lightly or if I was turning left. My solution to the issue was to replace the turning stalk completely. Which I did and that was back in Feb of 2018. Fast forward to present day and I'm faced again with the same issue as before. My high beams won't shut off when I'm driving at night unless I hold the stalk in slightly or I have my left blinker clicked on...and to add to the madness lol whenever I have my left blinker clicked the clicking noise is at double speed. Normally, it'll go so on but, now it just goes clickclickclickclickclick.

I don't know if it's just faulty wiring or what but, it's getting to be rather annoying. I'm not a rude driver and I didn't mean to blind you with my brights or flash you with them's the stalk that is being an a$$hole.

Any ideas on what I should do? Could it possibly be a relay or fuse? I don't really want to replace it again.